Spring Flowers

My blog posts have been too infrequent during this early part of 2022. Between working way too much and still somewhat recovering from the prostate surgery late last year, I just haven’t been posting as much as I would like. So, here are some shots of the spring flowers in our backyard.

This yellow daffodil was really looking nice in the soft light from a cloudy day earlier this week.

I recently made a nice trip to Capitol Reef National Park in later March. That was my first attempt at real travel since the surgery, and I think it went really well. From a purely physical stamina position I am doing great. Even with with the brutal work schedule this year, I have tried to keep up on my physical conditioning, and that was fine hiking – not quite where I want to be yet, but I’m getting closer. The bladder control was, and has been, the biggest issue, and that is finally coming along too.

Here is a closeup of a white daffodil that sprang up in the bed next to our kitchen.

Capitol Reef is really incredible, and I took a lot of photos there. I am still going through them. This weekend (Easter weekend) is the first time this year that I have really had free time. So, I hope you enjoy my flower photos until I get the Capitol Reef trip up.

These are another variety of daffodils, and those smaller flowers are so intricate and delicate.

For those of you who have followed me for awhile, you know I am pretty picky about my photography, and that I like to experiment a bit. I know we all like to see the bright and rich colors from the flower photos, but I was curious to see what I could do with one in a monochrome. I used an “urban street scene conversion” scheme which tends to darken the yellows, oranges, reds and even the blues somewhat. I think it really made that inner orange yellow petal parts pop out from the white outer petals. Hopefully, you like this monochrome effect.

This is the same shot converted to black and white. I bumped up the contrast a bit, and then used an 81 warming filter at 28% to just give the photo a bit more of a warm feeling. I really like how this one turned out.

Thanks so much for following my blog. I really appreciate all of you who follow me. It means a lot, and this blog really helps keep me sane. It’s also a great excuse to get outside and away from work.

Here is a little preview of a new photo from Capitol Reef last month.

Some strange rock formations I encountered along the Cohab Canyon trail.

Stay safe and have fun out there!

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